YSD is a pipe mill manufacturer in China. We supply LSAW pipe roll bending machines including PB Series Pre-Bending Machine, TW Series Tack Welder, PED Series Expanding Machine, and PPF Series Forming Machine.
1. PB Series Pre-Bending Machine
PB series pre-bending machine allows the maximum thickness of steel pipe to be processed to be 40 mm. This kind of LSAW pipe roll bending machine is usually used to crimp both edges of metal plates to form a curvature radius of plate edges close to curvature radius of finished pipe.
2. TW Series Tack Welder
Tack welder is one of the main machines in the pipe mill line. It is employed to make an open seam pipe into a closed pipe body. For TW series tack welder, the maximum diameter of steel pipe to be processed is 406 mm to 1524 mm.
3. PED Series Expanding Machine
PED series expanding machine is a kind of LSAW pipe roll bending machine. This pipe mill is equipped with an expander-head, which is forced against the inside wall of the pipe so as to expand the pipe to the desired size. They can process steel pipe with the thickness up to 40 m and diameter up to 1422 mm.
4. PPF Series Forming Machine
PPF series CNC multiple cylinders synchronous bending machine was innovated and developed by YSD Company in lately years. It is one of the main machines in the pipe mill line.
Products of LSAW Pipe Roll Bending Machine

PED Series


tack welder 2

Workpiece for 5200Ton press brakes